Seize The Book - An Australian book blog containing book reviews, giveaways and author interviews
16 July 2006
Review: Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
Odd Thomas is an eccentric character with a special awareness and he certainly lives up to his name, Odd. This is the first in a new series by Dean Koontz and is a fast-paced story, which combines crime with the supernatural, in a kind of 'supernatural whodunnit'. I always enjoy reading Koontz, and I'm looking forward to reading the sequel, entitled Forever Odd. Rating = **** Carpe Librum!
Welcome to Carpe Librum. I’m Tracey, a passionate booklover based in Melbourne Australia. I review books across a variety of genres, participate in a number of reading challenges and love running giveaways. I hope you discover some exciting book reviews, enter a few giveaways and enjoy the bookish content here.