Seize The Book - An Australian book blog containing book reviews, giveaways and author interviews
27 December 2006
Review: Forever Odd by Dean Koontz
After reading the first book of this series in July entitled Odd Thomas, I finally got around to reading the second book in the series: Forever Odd. Not as good as the first, I still enjoyed following Odd Thomas on his second documented crime busting adventure. The main character Datura was not nearly as frightening as the miles of underground tunnels Odd spent most of the story in. At the end of this book, Odd Thomas is leaving his small home town of Pico Mundo to go and live in a monastery. Hopefully this will provide a different adventure altogether - I can't wait to read the third book! Rating = *** Carpe Librum!
Welcome to Carpe Librum. I’m Tracey, a passionate booklover based in Melbourne Australia. I review books across a variety of genres, participate in a number of reading challenges and love running giveaways. I hope you discover some exciting book reviews, enter a few giveaways and enjoy the bookish content here.